Frequently Asked Questions


What time of day or night should I meditate?

Any time that is most convenient for you. What ever time you decide try to meditate daily at the same time. I find it easier to wake up earlier before the day starts.

Should I sit on the floor or in a chair when I meditate?

Either one is fine. When I’m in a location that has comfortable chairs I’ll use them or if at home I’ll use my meditation pad.

How long should I meditate for?

I would start with 5 to 10 minutes per day and then after three months increase to 15 then 20 then 30 and so on.

I am new to meditation where should I begin?
What equipment do I need to start meditating?

Absolutely nothing. As you progress there are cushions that you can buy, but you do not need anything to start.

Where should I place my hands while meditating?

Either on your knees, palms up or palms down. You can also choose to place them in you lap. Whichever is most comfortable to you.

Should I meditate outside or indoors?

I choose outside when the weather is perfect, otherwise I like to meditate indoors where I can control the temperature.

How should I dress while meditating?

Some prefer loose clothing, whichever clothing you find most comfortable.

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